Summer Doctoral Micro-Grants

Request Info


The Graduate School’s Summer Doctoral Micro-Grants funding mechanism has two principal aims: (a) providing financial support during the summer months to students who are otherwise unfunded and (b) supporting the research environment for University of Miami doctoral students to accelerate degree completion.

Summer Doctoral Micro-Grants provide up to $5,000 per student to cover: 

  • Basic living expenses during the summer (including lodging expenses, transportation costs, food, etc.);
  • Research-related acquisitions including but not limited to equipment, technology and software purchases, travel, and survey research expenses; and/or
  • Childcare costs associated with summer research duties.


University of Miami doctoral students in any year who meet all of the following criteria are eligible to apply:

  • Are enrolled in a doctoral program without summer funding support (i.e., students on 9- or 10-month stipends).
  • Have a minimum cumulative graduate GPA of 3.5; and
  • Present a competitive proposal outlining their research and expected outcomes during the summer months (see below).

Students are only eligible for one Summer Doctoral Micro-Grant during their time as a doctoral student at the University of Miami.

Application and Evaluation Process 

The application timeline is as follows:

  • The application submission portal will open at noon on February 1.
  • Applications will close at noon on March 1. No proposals will be accepted after this date.
  • Award Notification - Decisions will be made by April 15.

Applications must include:

  • Current CV 
  • Proposal and its rationale (no more than one page) describing:
    • the research to be undertaken,
    • a timeline for the summer research, and
    • a statement of impact to research (i.e., how the summer research fits into the applicant’s overall timeline for degree completion and how the micro-grant will positively impact the applicant.)
  • Budget for expenses to be funded by the grant, not to exceed $5,000 in total; and
  • Letter of support from the applicant’s research supervisor, including an explanation of how the grant will support the applicant’s research and timely completion of the degree.

Applications will be reviewed by committees composed of representative faculty.

 Reviewers will evaluate the eligible applications using the following criteria: 

  • Scholarly, scientific, and/or creative merit of the proposal;
  • Clarity of proposal presentation;
  • The applicant’s qualifications, experience, and demonstrated track record of success; and 
  • The Micro-Grant’s potential impact on the applicant’s academic progress and research.

Award Terms

  • Awardees must adhere to the award budget.  
  • Funding period - Summer Doctoral Micro-Grants will only cover expenses incurred during the summer, May 15 to August 15.
  • If traveling, grant recipients must comply with the University of Miami travel guidelines.
  • Awards will be processed to the awardee’s Canelink student account in two equal installments on June and July 24.
  • Amounts will be refunded/disbursed by the Office of Student Account Services within 4 business days at the end of June and July.
    • Awardees should ensure they have direct deposit set up through Canelink, since that may facilitate the receipt of their payments.
  • Note to students receiving or planning to apply for federal financial aid: Any additional funding (such as this micro-grant) will reduce the amount that you will be able to borrow in the subsequent fall semester. Click here to review the complete financial aid policy and how it may apply to you. Please address questions regarding federal financial aid to Canes Central.
  • Please note that the U.S. Tax Reform Act of 1986 has declared this award to be taxable income to you insofar as it exceeds the amounts you pay in tuition, fees, books, supplies, and equipment required for your courses of instruction. The University does not withhold Federal taxes from fellowship/award payments, so you must make personal arrangements with the Internal Revenue Service. In addition, your award may be subject to FICA withholding tax.

Post-Award Reporting

By September 15, awardees must submit a one-page report via email to confirming the use of their funds and reporting the progress of micro-grant goals. 

